Challenging and rigorous, the Damien High School curriculum includes a range of courses for students of all levels. This curriculum includes advanced course selections, college preparatory, basic and remediation. Instruction is designed to meet the needs of all students in order to facilitate learning, skill achievement and academic success.
Overview |
Damien High School offers curriculum pathways designed to provide students with the foundation to be successful in a broad range of post-secondary educational settings. The curriculum includes both college preparatory and advanced courses, including honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Project Lead The Way opportunities.
Students who encounter academic challenges are supported both by our Academic Learning Center (ALC), and by faculty and peer tutoring. Students with documented learning differences are eligible to enroll in the STEP Program. Students in this program receive instructional adjustments to assist with the students’ academic progress and growth.
Damien High School facilitates frequent reporting of student performance and fosters communication between teachers and parents.
Graduation Requirements |
The academic Graduation Requirements (unless otherwise modified for transfer and international students) are as follows. In the spirit of St. Damien, graduates are required to participate in our Service Learning program in each of their years of attendance.